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Welcome to

Creative Life Celebrations

Ceremonies and Rituals : Ancient to Modern

When we decide to have a ceremony to mark a special occasion, we are following the traditions of people from time immemorial. Ceremony is an integral part of our social and cultural heritage. In all parts of the worldJapanese dress wedding people gather together to celebrate many unique family and social events. In multi-cultural Australia, families are bringing traditions from their culture and heritage into a range of ceremonies and special occasions. We have been fortunate to be able to integrate customs from Thai Buddhism, Hinduism, German/Sri Lankan and others, into our ceremonies. You are able to include any of your traditions when we plan to celebrate your own special occasions.

A well-planned and delivered Ceremony has been shown to have a positive effect on an individual’s health and well-being, whether they are a participant or an observer. Ceremony is a powerful emotional experience, and as we have all experienced, can be both good and bad. The memories we want to create for your ceremony are ones that can be remembered with fondness and good-will and happily remembered for life.

So have a look at our ceremonial pages, call us obligation-free to talk.

We can be contacted at 1300 446 786,
mobile 0411 128 285 and
email to or 

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