Having a Divorce Ceremony
When a marriage or long-term relationship ceases, the feelings that arise can range from extreme grief and loss to a sense of relief. A simple ceremony can be a first step in the rebuilding process of your new life. We can work with you to determine the most appropriate way for you to express your feelings about the relationship that has ended and take you through a ritual renewal into the next stage of your growth.
When children are involved in a separation and divorce , their feelings may range from abandonment, to anger, fear and retreat. Involving children and young adults in the ceremony allows them to express their feelings and re-establish their confidence in the structure of the new family. Expressing forgiveness is a powerful force that allows healing to start and the new life to begin. Forgiveness can start the process of closure and brings strength to continue.
As a society, we are not always good at acknowledging how we felt about a particular relationship and the research evidence indicates quite strongly, that participating in an expressive ritual or ceremony can aid the recovery process in a very positive manner.